Hello and welcome to Ani’s Little Stories website! Below you will find the conditions of use of this WEB page.

The website (hereinafter the WEB) is a domain registered by Ana Elbakidze (hereinafter, ANI’S LITTLE STORIES), who operates said WEB, with DNI no. X9946106D, and address at C/ Hurtada, 38, portal 1, floor 2, door 3, 28240 – Hoyo de Manzanares, Madrid, Spain.

Browsing this WEB page gives you the role of USER thereof and, therefore, you accept the clauses detailed in this document. If you do not accept any of them, you must refrain from accessing and/or using the services offered by ANI’S LITTLE STORIES.

As a USER, we put at your disposal the email address for any questions, queries or suggestions regarding the services and products offered by ANI’S LITTLE STORIES.



The USER undertakes to make appropriate and lawful use of the WEBSITE as well as its contents and services, in accordance with the applicable legislation at all times, morality and generally accepted good customs, and public order.



My intention is to offer you, as a USER and within a reasonable effort, a service of the highest quality, availability and continuous operation of the WEB. Even so, I inform you that we cannot guarantee such continued access, and that the WEB, or part of it, could be impeded or interrupted due to circumstances beyond our control.

For this reason, ANI’S LITTLE STORIES excludes any liability for damages and/or losses of any nature that may arise from the lack of availability, reliability or continuity of the WEB.

The USER will be responsible for the contents, data and information entered by them and sent to ANI’S LITTLE STORIES.

At the same time, the USER will be liable for damages of any nature that occur as a result of illegal or incorrect use of the WEB.



The information and elements that the WEB contains, including texts, images, documents, drawings, graphics, databases, trademarks and trade names, logos, are protected by the laws on Intellectual and Industrial Property, their exploitation, reproduction, distribution, transformation, transfer to third parties and public communication except prior and express authorization by ANI’S LITTLE STORIES.



For any type of controversy derived from the use of the services and products offered on the WEB, the parties, with the acceptance of this Legal Notice, and to the extent permitted by Law, expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, and agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, Spain.

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